Tuesday, December 7, 2010

:Thanksgiving Part 1:

Yes, I realize that we are in December, but hey don't you want to know how we spend our week off during Thanksgiving???.. So here ya go!
Tugboat: This was my sisters when she was a little one, HattieJo LOVES to climb in and out, over and over again! And she turns the steering wheel like a mad woman... we have lots to teach her before she starts driving! (don't know why Grandaddy has his eyes closed?!?)

Andrew fried us a turkey this year and it was DELICIOUS! So on Wednesday night he had to rub the turkey down with some cajun rub.... little did we know that it would have the WHOLE fridge and freezer smelling like cajuns the next morning! On Thursday morning we woke up BRIGHT AND EARLY to head to Wake Forest, for the Gobbler Run. I have ran this the past 2 years, but thought it would be fun to have my sister do it with me this year, and since she isn't a runner we just walked it! It was still so fun!Andrew even brought along Hoss! HattieJo did a great job riding and watching until about mile 2 and she had had enough, so I thought what the heck it's not like we are trying to finish this in a certain amount of time... I am getting her out. So the little thing walked the last mile! She had a blast! At one point she got tired and just sat down in the middle of the road (didn't have my camera). Needless to say she took a GREAT nap when we got home.

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