Sunday, December 19, 2010

:Christmas at the Hopper House:

I LOVE Christmas time. I get so excited when it is time to get the tree out and get the house decorated! It has been fun this year, because HattieJo notices ALL the decorations around the house including the tree which she LOVES! She will walk over to it if I have not plugged it in and say, "chee, chee." So we will plug it in and her eyes get wide and her mouth opens as big as it will get! PRICELESS! I love this time of the year as well because I feel like it is season of reflection on what the Lord has done in the past year! Its great too because we get to spend so much time with our family and friends and make so many fun memories!
Here are a few highlights our our Christmas decorations....
*the tree.... Our tree is awesome! It is HUGE, fake, and prelit! On the tree are all special ornaments. Each year growing up my parents and Andrew's parents gave us each an ornament that was special to something in our lives that year, then when we got married, we got all our ornaments! So those decorate our tree along with the ornaments that we have gotten for HattieJo the past 2 years. I am so excited to start this tradition for her.
*the dining room mantle... We had to put our stockings on the mantle in the dining room because HattieJo's chair is under the mantle in the living room so that was dangerous to have them hanging above her head!
Here are a few other random bits of Christmas in our home!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful decorations! Aren't prelit trees the best? And I love the ornament tradition too! Merry Christmas!
