Monday, December 13, 2010

.HattieJo update.

So I realized that I had been so diligent to post a picture and an update on HattieJo each month, up until she turned 1 year old.. but I have not done it since then... So here is what she is up to now at 15months (almost 16 months old). WHERE HAS TIME GONE?
HattieJo is such a joy to us! Her smile will brighten up the room! She is now in to EVERYTHING. She loves to grab things off the counter or from wherever she can reach things on her tiptoes! Its so funny to watch her grabbing things. She is a PRO at climbing the stairs and she is FAST. She loves to ride piggy back on the way down the stairs. She is talking NON STOP. She is putting together lots of jibberish into a full on story about something! She says the following words consistently; dada, mama, dog, puppy, yes, no, what's this, that, tree, beep beep (for a car), lights, just said church the other night, bye bye, bite(with her mouth wide open), baby, boo(for book), shoes, ball, cheese (when she wants to eat it or when she sees a camera)! (That is all I can think of right now!). She understands so much it is amazing. She is able to follow several different multi-step directions. Andrew and I were talking the other day about how she is such a sponge right now. She is always looking around and listening. She LOVES other kids, just last night at church she was running wide open with 4 little boys (all 3years old and older) and she was having a blast. She was chasing them and then would tickle them when they fell down. She would walk up to them and just start giving them an ear full about something! She is all about playing with her baby doll right now. She carries the baby everywhere with her (on her hip!). She tries to change the baby's diaper, will pat her and tell her "shh, shh." Its so sweet. She enjoys snuggling at night before her bedtime. She is eating EVERYTHING. She loves to eat whatever we are eating. She is doing a great job using her fork to stab her food and then put it into her mouth! Her favorite thing to eat is a powdered sugar donut with her daddy... I love to watch her smack her lips while eating it. She is a DANCING MACHINE (video to come soon). Anytime the girl hears music she starts moving! Her newest dance move is to spin in a circle! She is obsessed with brushing her teeth, I know its a good thing, but it is hilarious how she wants to do it ALL THE TIME! She is a pro at brushing, spitting, then wiping her mouth when she is finished. She really enjoys reading books, she will get them out of her book basket and just sit in the floor or her little chair and "read" outloud to herself, she even knows when the book is upside down! She will point to her; ears, mouth, tongue, eyes, nose, and belly when you tell her too... she will even point to it on you! She LOVES to give kisses, at first they were open mouth kisses, but now she closes her mouth and pokes out her bottom lip while her head is titled up in the air! LOVE IT!!!!!!!! She is a SOCIAL BUTTERFLY, the girl LOVES to talk to people and smile at them. When we are out and about she doesn't meet a stranger! Every time we are out and about doesn't matter where we are people will stop and talk back to her.
I could go on and on, but I think these are some highlights of things that are going on in HattieJo's little world!
*all these pics where taken the day after Thanksgiving when we had a little photo shoot!*

1 comment:

  1. What a big, smart girl!

    PS. Love her sweater dress in the last picture with the matching boots:)
