Saturday, February 6, 2010

"Mommy WOW..I'm a BIG girl now!"

Well HattieJo has been trying the past week or two to sit up every time you lay her down for anything...So I have been sitting her up in the floor to play leaning against me, while on Friday she decided she was ready to do it herself! It is precious.. She sits up all strong, then that big ole belly starts to pull her forward! She is growing and changing so much. Here are a few pics of her sitting up and then one of her enjoying her new chair that she got for Christmas from Gigi and Poppa, but I had it monogrammed and just got it back this week! It is adorable!

**Side note.... this is my 100th post!! WOOHOOO!!!**


  1. This sitting up age is so much fun! And I love her chair so much!!!!! She is growing up so fast!

    PS. Congrats on 100 posts!!!!

  2. GOSH she has gotten so big already! I love her cute chair!!
