Andrew's parents arrived about midnight on Friday. They had to drive about 4 hours of their 8 hour trip in the snow... they are from Florida.. so that was an adventure. We are so thankful that they arrived safe and sound. On Saturday we all got up and visited

then when HattieJo went down for her morning nap Gigi and I did "the shred" workout DVD while the men "tended to the farm" (dog's)... Then the girls went to Khol's and Target in search of a coat for Gigi (she didn't come prepared for cold NC!). Then we came home to get baths and dressed for the tea room. The fellas went riding around looking at land and houses since we are in search of a new place to live around here! We had a GREAT time at the tea room. HattieJo sat in a high chair for the first time being out and did GREAT! Here are a few pictures from our outing:

Then we went to @SummitRDU for an awesome service and then dinner at Red Robin, so it was a fun eventful day!
*her cute valentine dress and leggings are from gigi and poppa, her dress has her name monogrammed on it!*
What tea room did you go to??