Yesterday HattieJo and I went shopping with "Aunt D"(our neighbor Danielle).. We went to Babies R Us, Old Navy, and Sonic happy hour! I was so excited about being able to go spend my birthday money on some new clothes and then buying some stuff for HattieJo! So off we went, she was WIDE awake when we started, then quickly went to sleep and slept through her whole first shopping experience. By the way, Old Navy had stirrup pants for sale- can we say 80's!
Last night for dinner we went to Red Robin to celebrate Andrew's birthday. I went TOTALLY prepared (in the POURING rain) with diaper bag stocked and a bottle, just in case. She was awake when we got there and looked all around then went to sleep. I forgot my camera so we had to use Andrew's phone.. but here she is with "Red"..
While we were eating a worker came out to deliver a dessert to another table, but stopped at ours and said (and I quote), "I just gotta walk away, I am going to cry, that baby is just precious.." HAHAHA!.. Red Robin's finest I guess!