Wednesday, February 9, 2011

:21 weeks:

Yep, that is right. I was 21 weeks yesterday! This pregnancy is FLYING by. I know that has to do with being on the go and having HattieJo to chase around at all times. We went last week for our big 20 week ultrasound and everything looked great. We were very thankful for a great report. It is amazing to see the ultrasound and the baby moving all over the place and be so reminded of God's amazing creation in the gift of life. We are having a baby boy and are thrilled. I am not sure what to do with a boy, but will quickly find out! I am feeling great other than being tired by the time I sit down at night. I have gained 7lbs. so far and am in mostly maternity clothes, although I am still able to wear a lot of my "normal" clothes! I have been craving McDonalds chicken nuggets and french fries this time around, so I usually have that once a week at some point! So just wanted to update on baby boy Hopper!


  1. ahhhhh that's awesome! sad your baby isn't going to know my voice. should i send a recording? :) miss you!!!

  2. You look fantastic, Anna! I love McDonald's too!
