Wednesday, October 10, 2012


When did my little man grow up?!?!?... TOOO FAST!
15 month stats: 23.15 lbs (75%) and 31(i think...or taller)inches (75%).. growing boy!
Here are some of the words that he uses on a daily basis:
paci, BecBec, daddy, mommy, Hattie, dino, ball, airplane, geese, water, snack, bible, Uh-oh, Opie, balloon, bite, light, dog , night night, rain, down, out, thank you, Jesus, amen, bug, bye bye, hey, bubble, banana, brush, bath, and I am sure there are more!
He does the cutest thing when you ask if he wants something; if he wants it he will squeal, flap his arms super fast, and run in place. Hahaha
He loves to feed Opie snacks as he is in the midst of eating them.
He loves brushing his teeth. He will sit in the floor for 20mins or longer at a time and just read to himself. If he wants you to read to him he will get a book and back himself into your lap as he says, "boook, boook, boook."
He is still a momma's boy!
He runs sooooo fast..He would rather be outside than in...He would swing all day if you let him...he always has a stick in his hand... He throws a ball straight and really far (future baseball player)..He is always beating on something with his drum sticks or anything that resembles a drum stick...He gives the best squeezes and kisses.
He and HJ play together soooo well...I love hearing them squeal as they run all over the house. He likes to take her "lala's" and run with she catches up to him he will just drop them and keep running.
The boy LOVES to eat.. He would eat all day if we let him I am convinced. He eats really well too. There aren't too many things that you put in front of him that he won't eat.
Thankful for my little man. He is PRECIOUS!

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