Sunday, January 23, 2011

:Virginia Beach:

Last weekend, Andrew had the opportunity to preach for First Presbyterian of Augusta, GA. We met the group in Virgina Beach Friday night and hung out with them until Monday morning. It was so much fun meeting the youth and their leaders. HattieJo had a blast with 4 other kids that were there (their dad was the associate pastor). We got to stay in the same hotel, share meals together, fun time together, and Andrew shared the Gospel with them 4 times over the weekend. On Saturday we went with them to the Virginia Beach Aquarium and HattieJo LOVED all the "fish, fish, fish."
After the aquarium we went back to relax at the hotel while the group went whale watching. Then we met them at Captain George's Seafood for a delicious dinner. On Sunday Andrew preached the service in the morning then we had the whole day to hang out. We enjoyed a walk on the beach, the indoor pool, play time in the hotel room, visiting a Confederate memorial, and some shopping!
Our hotel didn't have a bathtub, so bath time each night was done sink side! HattieJo was too big to fit in the sink, but she sure did enjoy the sink bath!

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