Sunday, November 14, 2010

.more fun with friends.

One night last week we had the small group's pastor and his family over for dinner. They have 2 small boys, so HattieJo loved having them over to play with her. She was so proud when we asked if she wanted to go upstairs, she was showing off all her toys and squealing and talking the whole time. The cool thing about the Sheltons is that they have been our friends since we moved up here. They were in the 1st small group that we were in, until they moved and planted a new group! So it has been neat to see how both of our lives have changed in moving, having kiddos, etc. We count them as dear friends and love to spend time with them when we can!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Sheltons too! We were Meredith girls together! So fun that you all got to hang out!
