I can't believe you are already 4 months old... WOW how time flies. This picture totally is you, SMILES at ALL times! We are so blessed..you have changed so much in the past month..its amazing..
You now:
*wear size 2 diapers
*grab on to things
*sit up with some help
*roll over to your side (almost all the way over)
*enjoy tummy time- you lift your head and turn it from side to side
*grab and hold on to your toes
*consistently suck your thumbs- haven't decided which one you like best
*recognize people- your face lights up when you see me or your daddy
*make LOTS of noises
*smile with your whole face- the greatest sight at 6 in the morning!!!
*do the motor boat with your mouth
*track things with your eyes
*reach for your toys
*hold yourself up when we hold you in our arms
*turn to find certain noises
*love bath time
*love your baby einstein and praise baby dvds- you will talk to them and laugh at them
*hold onto your bottle when you eat
You are so special. As one of your christmas gifts says, you are "a wish come true".... We are so thankful for you.. Your daddy and I pray for you everyday that you will com to know and trust the Lord at an early age and serve Him with your whole heart. We love you so much!!!
Mommy and Daddy
**Tomorrow will be the LONG post of all our Christmas travels**