We went to Vegas earlier this month! Andrew was honored to marry 2 of our friends from church, she is from Hawaii and he is from NC, so Vegas was a perfect place for family and friends to gather and support them as they got hitched! This was Andrew's first wedding and he did great-he presented the Gospel and truly made much of the Lord.. Funny thing to do your first wedding in Vegas and it was live-streamed..he was big time. So my sister went with us to help wrangle HJ. When we arrived on Friday afternoon, I quickly realized that we were one of maybe 2 other families with kids there! hahaha... The kids did AMAZING though. They were champs traveling, sleeping, sight seeing, and eating! Although the first night HJ was up bright and early ready to go at 1am... finally Andrew took her to the lobby to run wide open at 5am. We did lots of walking in and out of all the awesome hotels, swimming, and eating! Thanks to Kiani and Matt for letting us be a part of your special day in VEGAS. My sister (the photographer of the trip) definitely captures all the moments, she took over 200 pictures, so I will be posting some over the next couple of days!

Watching the airplanes:
Welcome to Vegas:
Busride to our hotel, the Ceaser's Palace(which was AWESOME!)
After we put our stuff in our room, we headed to explore our hotel, once we saw the "fish, fish" we stayed there at least 30minutes, she LOVED it! 
Then we, with our 2 strollers, hit the Vegas strip! Didn't get far before we had to buy little miss some sunglasses! 
Wow! I've never been to Vegas but I've heard its quite the city!