Here are some pictures from our time at CWR:
Waiting on Daddy and HJ to come pick us up on the golf cart to go around to visit the different activities!
Here they are: (HJ LOVED this thing!)
AP's face cracks me up here! We were riding on the back of the golf cart!
First stop the gym for basketball... HJ was red faced by the time we left here:
Then we played in the lake, which she loved!

Then nap time-it wasn't any trouble getting HJ to nap!
After a good nap, we ate dinner, then headed to join everyone for silly songs and skits...of course HJ the dancing queen had a blast and made lots of friends 

The red boxcars are the "cabins"... they are SO NEAT!

We stayed the night and then me and kiddos headed home after breakfast! It was a fun time for sure!
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