Where have these 2months gone? I can't believe our sweet baby boy has already been with us for 2months.. He is such a joy! We have been so blessed. AP is smiling like crazy these days and starting to coo at us. Its PRECIOUS. He will follow people with his eyes and likes to look at bright lights. He is waking up to eat 2x each night, but is so good to go right back to sleep afterwards. He LOVES his sister, as soon as he hears her voice he starts looking for her. He enjoys tummy time for about 5 minutes at a time. He has gotten to where he scoots when he is on his belly.. its so funny to watch, its like an inchworm move! He is getting chunky!!!... Little man is wearing all 3months clothes now and size 1 diapers. We are so in love.
Mommy, Daddy, and HJ love you and are thankful for the blessing that the Lord gave us in you. You bring us so much joy!

*I will post the 2month sock monkey picture next week after we have his 2month stats!*
Look at that double chin!!!!!! I can not wait to eat him up!