I can't believe she is 2! Where in the world have these past 2 years gone? What a joy they have been though. We have learned much about the Lord and our relationship with Him through loving and parenting HattieJo!
What is HattieJo up to these days? So glad you asked! She is in to EVERYTHING and talking NON-STOP!

Here are somethings she has said in the past 2 days:
*"mommy, i see that picture...that picture of a purse...so pretty"
*"i sit here...move mommy"
*"i eat tha goldfish mommy....more please!"
*"i love a dino, i love a dino"
*"dat a birdhouse, where da mommy bird?"
*"look, look, da clouds moving"
*"i have water mommy"
*"fish, fish, where are you? i find da fish!"
*"all aboard da choo, choo"
*"i listen you heart"(she loves her dr. kit- thank you gigi and poppa!)
*i play dollhouse"
*"go to target get m&m's"(this is what she says everytime she puts on her purse and pushes her cart around the house)
*"you so petty(pretty) mommy"
*"look, look, a tow(cow)...he eat grass..he wag he tail"
*"he drink toffee(coffee)"
*mommy, you too loud, AP is aseep"(as i was singing in the car)
*"there a bird house, a mommy bird, a daddy bird, a baby bird"
*"come here mommy, loot(look) loot at the puppy"
She loves to dance, put on make up, clonk around in high heels and daddy's boots, paint, swing, run, climb the stairs, read books, wrestle Andrew on the bed, and so much more. She can count to 10 clearly and tries to go beyond. She can sing her alphabet and recognizes colors and shapes. She is VERY expressive, i love seeing her get excited about things!
Mommy and Daddy love you so much. We are thankful for the beautiful healthy little girl that you are! We pray that the Lord will continue to guide us as we raise you. We pray that you will follow Him and begin to serve Him at a young age. We know that He has great things in store for your life. We love you and are so proud of you!