Andrew was in FL last week for the Pastor's conference, so he stayed with his parents. When he came home he had gifts for the kiddos from Michelle and then Gigi and Poppa. Michelle, our personal seamstress(not really, but she always makes the kids the CUTEST things!) sent HJ an adorable shirt and a dress and then AP got a personalized bed sheet and a monogrammed blue gingham outfit. THANK YOU Michelle, we LOVE them! We really do even though HJ wasn't smiling, she had just said, "mommy, my michelle make dese for me?!?!?"

Gigi and Poppa wrote a letter to HJ and AP and it had a Target gift card in it- HJ was very excited to know that she could buy whatever she wanted and she requested, "hershey tisses and cloooothes" so that is what she bought along with some super cute nail polish that she picked out on her own! HJ said, "i have my own money mommy!"

AP got an outfit, then some playdough for him and HJ to share. THANK YOU Gigi and Poppa for that fun surprise!
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