...well really 8 months and 2 days!..
So here are 8 things about AP since he is 8 months old-
1. he LOVES baby food- he will eat any of it and will enjoy every single bite!
2. he prefers to stand over sit when he is playing- he will stand by himself too! he is starting to get curious about "cruising" his toys-if he is sitting to play he will spin around on his bottom or belly, no crawling yet!
3. he can stand alone for about 5 seconds at a time- its the chunky legs!
4. he is constantly putting things in his mouth-

5. he has 8 teeth- and they are always shining with his big huge grin, melts my heart!
6. he is sleeping pretty consistently from about 830-430 or so...thankful for this!!!
7. he LOVES his big sister, he is constantly watching her, wanting to play with her, talking to her, and laughing with and at her!

8. he is NOSEY.. he wants to know what is going on all the time and will break his neck to get a look at something! i like to call it observant!