Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas in SC (part1)

Ok so the next several days are going to be SUPER heavy on the pictures, so just brace yourself! We went to SC the week before Christmas and had a great time while we were there other than HJ having the stomach bug- hate to see my baby girl sick, breaks my heart.We were able to spend time with lots of friends and family- We opened presents in shifts, it was not the typically sit down in one sitting and open them all, so that was fun. i did have to come home and do a toy detox to move in the new! We were so blessed!HJ was so funny opening her gifts, she definitely took her time with each one. It was like a double Christmas for her because she is able to enjoy some of AP's gifts as well! Also AP got his first pocket knife. Don't worry it will be staying in the package for a while :)

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful Christmas! We are going through toy detox right now too!
