Where has this past month gone? I can't believe our little man is a month old today! What a great month we have had figuring him out, changing LOTS of diapers, seeing random smiles, watching him grow, seeing him have more and more wake time during the day, watching him follow HJ around a room with his eyes, and so much more! He has moved out of newborn clothes, is wearing size1 diapers (as of yesterday), and is only waking up 2x in the night to feed! His personality is a lot like HJ. He just goes with the flow and cries if he wants to eat. We have been so blessed :)
Daddy, Mommy, and HJ love you so much and have loved every minute with you this past month. We pray you will continue to grow and be healthy. So excited for what this next month holds!
We love you!
How is he already a month old!? Crazy!