Last Sunday night we(HattieJo and I) loaded up in the back of the truck and headed across the street to go fishing! It was SO STINKIN' FUN! Andrew caught us a bunch of brim to put in a bucket for HattieJo to play with. She wasn't a fan of touching the fish, but she loved splashing in the nasty fish water... the best part was when I looked over and she had her hand in our bread bag chowing down! At one point she tried to eat the bread that she was "feeding" to the fish in the bucket. It was a blast...LOVE my family and am so thankful for these fun memories we are making.
LOVE this picture of HJ and her daddy with the little brim... she wouldn't smile, because she was eyeing that fish:

PRECIOUS picture:(this little girl ADORES her daddy)
Oh what a fun afternoon! And yes, that last picture is absolutely precious. Definitely a framer :)