Ok so this is a "wordy" post, because HattieJo is chatting up a storm these days!!! The girls talks non stops it seems-I say she gets it from her daddy..haha...No really from me! So here are some things that she says consistently: butterfly, horse, dino, cartoon, picture, sit, puppy, diaper, names our dogs, playdough, draw, bath, cookie, cracker, donut,teeth, couch, church, work, snack, chip, chair, puzzle, swing, push, cow, down, milk, walk, pizza, french fries, chicken, okra and that is all I can think of right now. Here are some of her favorite and frequently used phrases:
*"good catch"
*"good throw"
*run fast"
*"set, go"
*"catch it"
*"window down"- funny post to come about this one
*"oh cute" as she looks at a picture on the camera
*"I see it"
*"where are you?"
*"I hungry, sleepy, happy"
*"Hold you" we are working on her pronouncing this right, she says, "shoo, shoo" hahaha!
*"brush teeth"
*"i pray"
*"I catch you"
*"It locked"
*"it hot" and she scrunches her face as she says this!
*"Oh no"
*"Stop, Biscuit" from her favorite Biscuit book
*"zip it"
*"go outside"
Here are some other fun facts:
*she LOVES okra
*recognizes pages in books
*counts to 10 with only one or two helps
*says the alphabet with some help
*LOVES to say, "in house" as she is in her playhouse and then shuts the door as you start to come and in and laughs hysterically!
*asks to swing everytime we are outside
*LOVES to take 4wheeler rides with her daddy
*coloring with markers
*playing with playdough
*reading for books, she always asks for books when we are in the car and will "read" them as we drive!
*enjoys being outside
*blowing bubbles
She is AMAZING- She brings us so much joy and so many laughs! I tell her all the time that I could eat her up. Funny story: The other day at my dr. appointment I told her that we were going to hear the baby's heartbeat, so the whole time leading up to it, she was walking around saying, "baby heart, baby heart" and shrugging her shoulders! Then the dr. let her turn the doppler on and she heard it and grinned from ear to ear. As we were leaving, she was holding the paper and saying, "baby heart, baby heart!" and then showed all the ladies my paper. Such a happy little girl!
Here are some pics of her "shopping" (Thank you Kyley for the sweet purse! HattieJo loves to carry it around with her)

Please continue to pray that we will be the parents that HattieJo needs, that the Lord will continue to give us wisdom as we raise her and point her to Him. Also, pray for HattieJo in the upcoming weeks as the time for the baby's arrival comes! Pray that she would transition smoothly!