So my sister decided she wanted to spend her spring break up here with us! Which was PERFECT. HattieJo got a whole week with her Aunt Bec, and then since Grandmama didn't want to stay home alone, she came along too! They had a great time playing together, cleaning, eating, doing laundry, and playing some more. HattieJo was worn out at the end of each day. I am so thankful to have a sister who is willing to spend her spring break loving on our little girl!
*This picture is HILARIOUS, I don't know what they were looking for!??!?!*

My mom and sister brought with them an Easter gift for HattieJo from Bonn Bon. Bonn Bon is my parents back door neighbor, she has lived there since my parents moved in that house and she has watched and loved on me and my sister as we have grown up and she has done the same with HattieJo! Bonn Bon, your gift was and still is a hit! She LOVES the ears and LOVES to tote the basket around.

Had to be like Grandmama and get on her computer to do some work!
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