Meet the Atwoods. They are dear friends of ours here in NC. Trevor is on staff with Andrew at the Summit. They were our "first friends" when we moved up here. They are an amazing family. They desperately need your prayers. Long story short, Keva is 26 weeks and 5 days pregnant with a high risk pregnancy. The entire pregnancy they have known she probably wouldn't make it to 40 weeks, but we were all praying for her to make it to at least 30. Keva was admitted to Duke early yesterday morning because her water broke. They are working to keep their baby, Chai (like kite with out the "t"), inside and keep them both infection free for as long as possible. It is really a waiting game right now as to when he will make his grand appearance.
We are confident and thankful that the Lord is in control and that this is not something that caught Him off guard. You can follow their story
here.Thank you for your prayers for our friends.
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