Here are pictures of our new house. A little back story about why we moved. Andrew graduated in December from SEBTS with his Masters. Back in the fall we really didn't know what the Lord had in store for us after graduation. We weren't sure if we would be staying around and continuing to serve at the Summit or moving on to serve somewhere else. So we began to pray... We decided to put our house on the market and in the terrible market time, we weren't sure how long it would take to sale, well the Lord totally worked and we had a contract on it within 2 weeks! The girl who bought it needed us to rent it back from her up until May because she couldn't break the lease that she was in! WOW.. the Lord totally knew and provided once again! So Andrew was offered a full time position at the Summit that began in January. We were SO THANKFUL for this awesome opportunity for us to continue to serve there. He is the Saturday Evening Campus Pastor/Young Professionals Pastor. So... since our house sold and we had until May to figure out where to go, we began the search! It was actually discouraging as we weren't finding anything, but once again I was reminded to just pray and trust the Lord; He has always taken care of us! So about a month ago we found "the farm" and came to look and I was in love- I LOVED the house and Andrew loved the fact that it was on 60acres. So we decided to let the guy know we would like to rent it...And we moved in about a week ago! It is a perfect place for our dogs as well!Thank you Lord for your faithfulness to Your children and how You provide! Thank you Father for the beauty of your creation and how it speaks of Your glory.
"I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds."Ps9:1
So here are some pictures: Here is the outside from the front and then the side standing in the driveway

Here is the kitchen and the HUGE laundry room:

The dining room:

The one and only bathroom..and the foyer(from the front door):

Living room:

Master bedroom:

This is the little nook upstairs and the extra bedroom:

HattieJo's Room:
Praise the Lord for His provision!