On Friday my family came up to bring me this:

My dad made this pantry for me! I LOVE it, he is awesome! What a special thing. He told me it "had to stay in the family"..oh no worries there, its going where we go!!
So they brought up LOTS of good Easter surprises for HattieJo; stuffed animals, cookies, clothes, and books. Andrew and I got a basket of candy as well!

Then we, really I should say HattieJo, got a package from Florida on Friday too. It was FULL of great things from Gigi and Poppa. She got a bathing suit, a cover up, sunglasses, a sun hat, and a cute dress. I think they sent all the things she needs to go on a visit to Florida!!

Then the "Collins 5" sent her a CUTE dress and Auntie Erin made her 3 bibs that are AWESOME. She got a sewing machine for her birthday and she is good at what she makes.

HattieJo says, "THANK YOU for all my Easter goodies."
We love you all and are so thankful for our families.