I can't believe that you are already 5months old... time is FLYING by and you are growing so quickly. Here are a few new things this month:
*you are fascinated with your hands, you LOVE to look at them
*you are ALWAYS on the go... your little chubby legs are constantly moving
*you LOVE to make all kinds of LOUD noises
*you are now taking 8oz. bottles
*you are able to see farther
*you still LOVE to smile- your sweet smile totally lights up a room
*you have random nice patches of LONG sprigs of hair growing
*you are trying your best to sit up, you don't enjoy laying flat
*you have discovered the bird on your bouncy seat and so you love to pull it and hear it sing
*you are sleeping in your crib in your room
*you are sleeping through the WHOLE night!!!
*you are enjoying your exersaucer
*you have TWO teeth on the bottom, and you are always drooling and blowing spit!
I am so thankful for you.. Your sweet precious little self makes my day..
Mommy and Daddy LOVE you so much!!!

*as you can tell from the pictures, its hard to catch her still! hahaha.. *
Love these pictures!!! You could just eat her up!