On Saturday night we left for SC. Our plan was to leave after church.... Well the little one had a rough day (thanks to the two bottom front teeth that have broke the skin), so I decided to stay home and get things packed then we would pick Andrew up after church. I was so sad that we missed, because it was a GREAT night at
Summit PM Campus, what a blessing! I am so excited to see how the Lord is going to work in and through our campus this year! So.... we hit the road about 8:40.. and arrived about 1am... WHEW. I was tired and so was the little one, but she quickly perked up when she saw my family. Here she is in her exersaucer:

(she LOVED this thing..Santa brought it to her in SC, but we didn't have enough room in the car to bring it home then, so Grandaddy had it set up for her when we arrived.)
On Sunday morning, one of Andrews best friends, Eric, came over for breakfast and to hang out for the day. This was his first time meeting HattieJo:

HattieJo was all smiles with Eric as he tossed her around:

Then we went out to lunch and hung out at my parents house for a while. Here is HattieJo laughing and talking to Grandaddy and Grandmama: (my dad ended up having to leave after lunch to go on a business trip...we hated he had to leave, but were thankful for the work he has!)

Later on in the afternoon we went up to hang out with some friends that we had gone to college with- one of the couples had a little girl the same day that we had HattieJo. Here is HattieJo and Kyley.

Then we came home and relaxed! We did have some visitors, Aunt Bec's best friend Samantha and her family wanted to come meet HattieJo. HattieJo was exhausted after a long day and slept so well!
This morning (Monday) we got up and Rebekah and I went shopping, Andrew went and pressured washed our house in SC that we rent out, and HattieJo spent some time with Grandmama. When we got back HattieJo and Aunt Bec watched cartoons while we packed up:

Then we decided to have a little photo shoot with HattieJo and a bucket that my mom had.. Here are a few of the little (or chunky) cutie: