There is no excuse other than no motivation to get on the computer to do the blog! I have missed it though...I feel like its the modern day scrapbook, so I want to keep it up for the sake of memories and the fact that we don't have family that lives close to us. So here goes to updating the last several months of our lives!
We have made the official decision for me to stay home at the end of this school year. I couldn't be more excited for this next stage in our lives. We will be keeping HJ home and I will homeschool her for her kindergarten year! YIKES! I am pumped, but a little nervous about that. Staying home is also going to open doors with the life/ministry of all that the Lord is doing at Mercy Hill. Speaking of MH, we are FINALLY in our new space and loving it! The Lord is continuing to work and move in and through the lives of the people. I am blown away each week to see the Lord move. So grateful for it!
The kids growing like weeds. AP talks NON STOP, is constantly destroying things, is fully potty trained, loves to wrestle, always seems to push HJ's buttons with things, eats ALL.THE.TIME, would live outside if you let him, has an incredible imagination, he loves to sing and play instruments, and is quite the story teller (he makes up big elaborate stories that begin with "Once upon a time" is too cute! HJ is growing up right before our eyes. She is so observant to the things/people around her, she is so loving and motherly to the little kids at church, she loves to meet a new friend, at church she is the best greeter for new kids in the kids ministry, and she is learning and soaking up so much right now. She knows the Gospel and wants others to know it. She is still strong willed, but I can't wait to see what the Lord is going to do with her! I am so thankful for these two amazing little blessings. God is so good!
warming up by the fire!
Story time while AP goes to potty