this picture is TOTALLY him..NEVER still! |
My sweet little man is ONE! What??? That is craziness! He is a such a sweet boy... He is ALWAYS smiling, he even smiles when he has a double ear infection. He is changing so much each day. Here are some things that he says:
"momma, momma" (as he is grabbing onto whatever i am wearing!)
"ballll, baaallll"
"bye....bye" (as he waves both hands at the same time)
"muh, muh" (more)
"tant too" (thank you)
"dog, dog"
"baby, baby"
"nigh,nigh" (night night)
He will make a "ruffing" sound for dogs, always points to the sky when he hears an airplane, quacks for a duck, roars a big roar for lions, and has quite a loud scream when HJ is chasing him!You have to watch him because he likes to play in the toilets and will try to climb into the bathtub even when there is no water.
He will give high fives, give kisses (full of drool), blow kisses, clap non stop when you say good job, dance(by bending his knees) when he hears music,

He is figuring out cause/effect of things. I love sitting and watching him figure out things on his own. He loves playing chase, trucks, being outside, laughing, being tickled, HIS MOMMY!, nursing(not sure when this is going to end- won't be like the women in TIME magazine though!), he mimics anything that HattieJo does. He is doing a good job exploring new foods these days. He had fried okra last night and tore it up...i even tore the fried part off most of it and he still ate it. His favorites are club crackers, watermelon,waffles/pancakes, sweet potatoes, squeezable applesauce and other baby foods that you can squeeze.
I can't believe that I am doing a post for your 1 year birthday! It seems like just yesterday I was laying in the hospital bed, watching Say Yes to the Dress and pushing you out! Little man, we love you so much. We are thankful for the full year of life that the Lord has given you. What a blessing to see you growing and changing each day into all that God has created you to be. We can't wait to see what He has in store for you. We pray that your heart would be softened and come to know and serve Him at an early age. We are thankful for a year of good health, lots of laughing, snuggling, kisses, smiles, and so much more. We love you and thank God for you!
Daddy and Mommy
oh and your BIG sister ADORES you too!