Sunday before last, our church met all in one location... only one word to describe it...
AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! It was so neat for all our different campuses to come together in one location in the heart of Durham to proclaim the Gospel... There were over 7,200 people in attendance and over 300 baptisms...AWESOME! I stood in awe as we all stood and worshiped together. What a joy to be a part of something so incredible...the Lord was truly glorified as the Gospel was preached!
Before the service started they had fun games which included sumo wrestling between campus pastors:(yes, that is andrew in the blue suit! haha)

It was a joy to be able to worship together as a family as well. HattieJo LOVED being able to sing with us! Then she colored and loved on her daddy during the message.

Here are a few shots of pictures of part of the crowd from where we were standing:

Andrew had the privilege to baptize in one of the 4 baptism pools:- HJ said as we watched him, "i get in the pool with daddy?!" Oh how I cannot wait for the day when HJ will commit her life to following Christ.

Here is a great (professional) shot of the crowd:

And after the service the concession stands were open selling things for lunch! A great ending to a great morning!