I can't believe our baby girl is a year and a half old today.... where is the time going? She is such a little girl and not a baby any more!
She enjoys: pushing her baby around in the stroller, playing with the puppies, blowing bubbles, running... she will say, "fasst..one, two" and take off, talking to the dogs, pretending to be on the telephone, eating, being naked, riding the 4wheeler, taking wagon rides, helping, putting puzzles together, stacking blocks, dancing, being outside, wrestling her daddy on the bed, and so much more! It is so fun to sit back and watch her truly enjoy herself doing something!
Some of her frequently used words: blocks, slide, thank you, ride, wash, brush, teeth, two, more, mouth, eyes, ear, toe, shoes, socks, bubbles, cookie, chip (she says "pch"- reversal of letter sounds!), tv, up, down, bath, cracker, light, hat, tractor, french fries, ice cream, please and I am sure that there are more!
She loves to pray. When we say the blessing or when we just pray together as a family she will want to hold hands and bows her head, then will say "AAAAAAAMEN" when we finish. What a joy! HattieJo is finally leaving a hairbow in her hair although it has to be a little light weight one, but we are making progress.
Some of her favorite things to eat: french fries, bread, chips, cranberries, grapes, cucumbers, fried okra, ham, and McDonald's chicken nuggets(one of the things that I have been LOVING this pregnancy too!).
Mommy and Daddy love you so much! We are thankful for all the special memories and times that we have with you. You are so lively and joyful. You are loving life! We pray that you will come to know the Lord at an early age. We are so excited to continue to watch you grow and develop more and more each day.