Like I have said before, HattieJo LOVES a party. The girl loves to be in a crowd, watching people, chasing other little kids, and entertaining anyone that will pay her any attention. These things work out great with being in the ministry, because she is always around people! She does so great and we are so blessed. Last Friday night we had a "Prelude to Thanksgiving" dinner with the Young Pros. It was a potluck and it was delicious. We had about 60 people piled into one of the young pros home. It was a blast. HattieJo quickly found the microphone for the guys RockBand game and began singing for us all. Here is our little diva...(watch out American Idol!)

Funniest thing of the night was when Allison, pictured above, was eating HattieJo walked over to her plate and stood there... Allison turned her head and HattieJo promptly grabbed the cheese biscuit off her plate and proceeded to eat it and walk around. Then when there was only a bite left, she came back and put it on Allison's plate again.. PRICELESS!

Pretty sure we were breaking some kind of fire code all piled into this house. But it sure was fun!