HattieJo Catherine Hopper was born at 5:03pm.... 20 inches long...7.3lbs! What a HUGE blessing she is to us! Before she was born we couldn't imagine that we would ever love something as much as we love her! Here are a few pictures from that day:

Things have TOTALLY changed since that day. We have been so blessed with her being so healthy, with her development, and growth. We are so thankful!
Mommy and Daddy can't believe that we are celebrating the first year of your precious life today. You light up our lives. You are such a JOY. Your smile, hugs, "loves," and kisses melt our hearts. This first year has been a blast with you and we know that the years are just going to get better. You are in to EVERYTHING these days! You started walking 2 days after you turned 11months and you have not slowed down since. You started crawling about 3 days after you started walking, which is crazy because its backwards! You definitely prefer to walk, but will crawl if you need to get somewhere quickly. I have a feeling it won't be long and you will be RUNNING! You are recognizing so many phrases that we say. You perk up and head for the door to go outside anytime we say something about "going for a ride" "seeing the dogs", etc. You love to be outside. When we go out to play with the dogs you will say, "pupupupupup" and you even tell Mable to "ush" when she is barking at us! You wave "bye bye" every time we leave people. Your toothbrush is with you all the time it seems and if you don't have it, you go to the bathroom looking for it. You know how to put shoes on, even if they are not yours! You will try to put your clothes on when you can get your hands on them. When it comes to eating, you don't put up a fight. You love to eat pretty much anything that we put in front of you. You started whole milk a week ago and have done a great job with it. You have 10 teeth now with 2 more molars on their way in.
You are still a big fan of a big group of people. Party girl! You are the life of the party and center of attention everywhere we go it seems. You enjoy swinging at the park and watching all the other kids play and trying to run around and laugh with them. You are constantly talking about something using your hands to tell us about everything.
When we ask you where your tongue is, you quickly stick yours out! You have begun to pitch little fits when you don't get what you want and will stomp your feet. The list could go on and on of how much you are changing and growing. We can't believe that we don't have an infant anymore, but now we have a toddler!