Since the campus that Andrew is the pastor of meets on Saturday nights, I thought I would let everyone in on a Saturday in the lives of the Hoppers...(these pictures were taken between two different Saturdays)
*HJ usually wakes up around 7 and is bright eyed! So she eats then we make breakfast and then head into our bedroom for some snuggles with daddy!Then we eat breakfast and hangout in the living room for a bit...

*Whilte HattieJo is napping I get busy on some laundry and making baby food for the week:

*After HJ wakes up she eats again, then we usually will head outside to hangout with Andrew while he takes care of the doggies... HJ LOVES to watch the
dogs while they run around, they are not interested in her which is great!

*After lunch we usually play then start getting cleaned up to leave for church at 2:30.
*When we arrive at
church Andrew hits the ground running and HattieJo and I just hang out, run errands, work on projects for daddy until its time for us to get to serving.

*I usually check HattieJo in to our SummitKids area around 4:40 and she LOVES her classroom there. Then I serve as a greeter in the SummitKids area. It is so fun to greet the families as they come in each week.

*This past week I had the opportunity to serve in HattieJo's class where they needed an extra set of hands since there were so many babies, so I was able to capture some pictures of her playing with her friends!

*After the service we hang out then head out to dinner with people from church. Then home to get some rest! We are so thankful for the opportunity to serve at The Summit. It is an incredible church, where the Gospel is preached constantly, where people are reached and loved, where hearts get challenged and encouraged through the Word.