"... For this child I have prayed..."
Our little miracle has arrived!!!!!!!! This has been a long journey that the Lord has been faithful to us through all the ups and downs and now she is here! PRAISE THE LORD from whom ALL blessings flow!
On Wednesday, August 26th at 5:03pm our lives changed FOREVER. HattieJo Catherine Hopper arrived.
We got the call on Tuesday evening from the hospital telling us to come on in, so we headed to REX. I began taking medicine that night and they were going to induce me the next morning.
6:45am: Pitocin began
8:00-Dr. Gaines came in and broke my water and on came the contractions
11:45-Couldn't take it any longer.. in the meantime I had been doing all these breathing techniques trying to survive
12:00-Dr. came in to give me what he called the "epidoodle"
2:30-Was only 2 1/2 cm. a LONG ways to go
3:30-Nurse checked and I was 10cm!!! She said, "we are going to start pushing in about 3omins."...
4:00-GAME TIME- the pushing began... Andrew was a GREAT coach as well as Nurse Katrina
5:03- She arrived :o) She came out kicking and screaming... PERFECT! 7lbs. 3oz. 20inches
About an hour after she was born we were moved into our home for the next several days. The nurses were all so great and HattieJo was amazing... a TRUE GIFT from the Lord!